
Updates and work in progress

7 November, 2011

A Farewell to the Rainy Season

November has begun, and it doesn’t rain anymore. Peasants are harvesting rice, corn and millet, and now rain would spoil the seeds. While a few weeks ago people in Karankasso were anxiously peering at the sky wondering where would those dark clouds head, now they are busy bringing home their food for the next months….

7 October, 2011

Access A125-6

As a premise, this post is not very academic nor related to my research. Today I got a way to move around independently, finally. With this motorbike I can go from town to village easily, and visit hunters in the whole West of Burkina. It is a chinese-made, four- strokes 125cc Access. In Burkina these…

9 September, 2011

Burial in Karankasso

On September the 9th, 2011 old Fie-Sini Traoré died. He was buried in his courtyard, lots of people were there to dig the grave and hunters shoot their shotguns in the air, to honour the deceased. Here, when an old men dies, his burial is a happy celebration. He lived a long life and left…

30 August, 2011

Ramadan Seli in Bobo Dioulasso

I arrived in Bobo Dioulasso from Ouagadougou on the 25th of August. Today the month of Ramadan ends and people celebrate the end of the fasting period. I quickly realised that many here declare they are muslim but are not, strictly speaking, very observant. There are in fact many different ways of being muslim in…