Tag "burkina-faso"

Updates and work in progress

23 September, 2011

The Fonio Harvest Work Association

After a good bit of uncertainty it seems like the group for fonio harvesting will leave for the fields this morning. Otherwise, says Lasso’s elder brother Mussa, all the grains will fall to the ground with the next rainfall. The morning is cloudy, but it should not rain. They won’t leave early, for the fonio must get…

21 September, 2011

Looking for a Teacher

I was immediately told initiation is just the beginning, for a hunter. One never stops learning, and should be always looking for experienced hunters to ask tips and tricks to. Consistently with what I read, apprenticeship with a teacher (donsokaramogo) can last for years. During this period the student (donsokalanden) will pay a few visits…

12 September, 2011

The Hunters of Karankasso Sambla

Today I was initiated to the hunting association of the village I’m living in. I was expecting the moment of initiation to come after a period of apprenticeship, but apparently here the use is different from what I read. They prefer to let you into the association first, as a way of submitting your subsequent…

9 September, 2011

Burial in Karankasso

On September the 9th, 2011 old Fie-Sini Traoré died. He was buried in his courtyard, lots of people were there to dig the grave and hunters shoot their shotguns in the air, to honour the deceased. Here, when an old men dies, his burial is a happy celebration. He lived a long life and left…

2 September, 2011

First Contact

Today I had the first contact with hunters, during a small festival next to the city council in Bobo Dioulasso. I was invited there by Pascal, the uncle of a friend of mine who has been for years my music teacher in Italy. He is a donsojeli, or donson’gonifola, a musician of the hunters’ brotherhood….

30 August, 2011

Ramadan Seli in Bobo Dioulasso

I arrived in Bobo Dioulasso from Ouagadougou on the 25th of August. Today the month of Ramadan ends and people celebrate the end of the fasting period. I quickly realised that many here declare they are muslim but are not, strictly speaking, very observant. There are in fact many different ways of being muslim in…