Tag "donsoya"

Updates and work in progress

21 September, 2011

Looking for a Teacher

I was immediately told initiation is just the beginning, for a hunter. One never stops learning, and should be always looking for experienced hunters to ask tips and tricks to. Consistently with what I read, apprenticeship with a teacher (donsokaramogo) can last for years. During this period the student (donsokalanden) will pay a few visits…

12 September, 2011

The Hunters of Karankasso Sambla

Today I was initiated to the hunting association of the village I’m living in. I was expecting the moment of initiation to come after a period of apprenticeship, but apparently here the use is different from what I read. They prefer to let you into the association first, as a way of submitting your subsequent…

2 September, 2011

First Contact

Today I had the first contact with hunters, during a small festival next to the city council in Bobo Dioulasso. I was invited there by Pascal, the uncle of a friend of mine who has been for years my music teacher in Italy. He is a donsojeli, or donson’gonifola, a musician of the hunters’ brotherhood….